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How To Create An NSFW AI Image Prompt
The best practices for creating an NSFW AI image prompt are:
- Clearly describe the character, setting, and additional details.
- Highlight specific details like eyes, lips, or any other significant feature using parentheses (…).
- Keep the prompt concise to avoid overloading the AI with too much information.
- A good prompt is usually one or two sentences long.
- Identify and include the most critical aspects of the image you want to generate.
- Include actions or poses to make the image more dynamic.
- A longer prompt is not necessarily better then a short prompt.
However, NSFW image generators often operate differently. In the next section, we’ll break down the most common fields you need to fill in to generate images.
Image Prompt (Required)
The image prompt is essential for every NSFW AI image generator. This is where our NSFW AI image generator tool is incredibly useful. If you want to create your own NSFW prompt from scratch, we suggest following the tips provided above.

ICKS, also known as a negative prompt, is a feature that more NSFW AI image generators are adopting. This allows users to specify what they do NOT want in their images. It functions similarly to a regular image prompt but produces the opposite effect.

“Steps” refer to the number of iterations the AI goes through to refine the image. More steps usually mean better quality but take longer. Start with 50-100 steps for a good balance of quality and speed.

GFC Scale
The GFC (Guidance for Creativity) scale controls how closely the AI follows your prompt. A higher GFC means the AI sticks closely to your instructions, while a lower GFC allows for more creative freedom. Adjust this based on how precise or creative you want the image to be.
A “seed” is a numerical starting point for the image generation. Using the same seed with the same settings will produce the same image every time. This is useful for consistency. If no seed is set, the AI uses a random seed, creating a unique image each time.

“Models” are different AI systems that create images in various styles. For example, the Holo Waifu diffusion model is great for generating vTuber images. Picking the right model helps you get the style you want, especially useful for anime image generators.