
uPDATED ON: January 15, 2025

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Update Schedule Overview

Every 3 months: We check our information for accuracy, update pricing, and make small adjustments as needed.

Every 6 months: We conduct a comprehensive review of all content to ensure it remains relevant, making major updates where necessary.

This schedule ensures you receive the most current and accurate information. For more details, visit our update process.

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Content Review Process

This piece of content is reviewed by one of our experts, ensuring the information you receive is accurate and trustworthy.

For more details, learn about our fact-checking process.


Herman Pointing

Being a professional AI girlfriend reviewer is cool and all but it’s REALLY hard to keep track of all these new updates. 🙁

Herman Thinking

That’s why I need help.

I am looking for someone to help me write awesome SEO friendly articles. Basically, I am looking for two kind of talents;

  • Skilled writers who are willing to learn.
  • Creators who can write technical guides. (like how to prompt bots etc..)

Ok and what do I get out of it?


My eternal gratitude. 😀

Nah just kidding.

Herman GetsGigachad Gets
Epic content 🔥 Money 🤑
A new friend. (Maybe?)Free premium access to AI girlfriend apps
(for science purposes)

I am one of the few people on planet Earth who doesn’t use AI to create content because I genuinely think that it is never going to get as good as real creative input.

So if you are someone who thinks to make a quick buck with ChatGPT articles then this gig is not for you 🙁

BUTT if you like making content the old fashioned way then feel free to reach out!

Ok. Where do I sign up?

Herman Pointing

Reach out to me at

AI Girlfriend expert favicon

I have a zero-ai-written-content-policy so if your email smells AI’sie to me 🐽 there’s a zero percent chance of me hiring you.

P.S. Don’t send me your resume I am not going to read it anyway. 😂

I am currently on the hunt for writers but if you feel like you have a cool talent that might be of use then feel free to reach out and maybe we can work something out. 😀

Herman J. Carter Signature
Herman Carter